How Has Modern Family Structure Changed? What Inspired the Painting "CAT MOM"?

How Has Modern Family Structure Changed? What Inspired the Painting "CAT MOM"?

Introduction Welcome to today's blog post! I'm excited to share the inspiration behind one of my favorite paintings, "CAT MOM." This piece is dear to my heart, not just because...
Plamena Radeva
From Prussian Blue to Tyrian Purple: Exploring the Origins of Color Names

From Prussian Blue to Tyrian Purple: Exploring the Origins of Color Names

  Hello again! As I continue pondering the intriguing world of colors, I find myself delving into various topics surrounding color. There is indeed a vast realm waiting to be...
Plamena Radeva
Do Men and Women See Color Differently?

Do Men and Women See Color Differently?

Yesterday evening, as my husband and I were about to go to bed, he started looking for my lip balm. I told him it was in the “pink bag,” which...
Plamena Radeva
How to Chose a Painting for your Space

How to Chose a Painting for your Space

Today's blog post will focus on selecting the right painting for your home, office, living room, and other spaces. Regardless of your space's purpose, it's important to choose a painting...
Plamena Radeva